OPJS University, Churu Due to COVID-19 University will conduct online Examination


Since the middle of March, all colleges and universities have been closed down in India to forestall the spread of contamination of, COVID-19 infection. Among March and May, the advanced education framework in the nation has an extremely bustling calendar each year. Assessments for current understudies and confirmations for new ones are led in this period. Many graduating understudies are showing up for prospective employee meetings, and some fortunate ones have offers of business. In any case, they need testaments and imprint sheets of graduation before they can join take up work. Justifiably, understudies and their folks are on edge because of abrupt and nearly UN-finishing disturbances to their timetable due to COVID-19. 

After the Center gave corona virus warning, the universities have begun playing it safe to forestall the Covid-19 contamination. The varsities have requested that understudies follow the crown warning of the legislature and report to the nearby government emergency clinic in the event that they discover hack, fever, and trouble in breathing like side effects. University Grants Commission (UGC) has likewise given a warning to the universities to avoid potential risk. It prompted the foundations to keep away from enormous get-together on the grounds. "Any student/staff with venture out history to any Covid-19 influenced nation or in contact with such people in most recent 28 days, ought to be observed and home isolated for 14 days," read the warning. 

The universities have likewise begun the way toward making mindfulness among the understudies to wash hands regularly and completely with cleanser and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. It likewise prompted them not to contact the mouth, nose, and eyes and look after cleanliness.

opjs university campus

                                                  OPJS University

Taking into account the current pandemic, COVID-19, educational institutions have endured the loss of smooth working and the understudies have endured because of that. Practically all the instructive establishments are in an issue particularly with respect to the lead of assessments, much of the time, yearly assessments. Remembering all the perspectives and wellbeing rules, OPJS University (Om Prakash Joginder Singh University, Churu, Rajasthan, has chosen to direct online assessments with the goal that the following session doesn't endure any further postponements. 

The University organization has declared its choice to lead online assessments for conclusive semester/term/year, for the entirety of its Under-graduate, Post-graduate and Doctoral projects. The pertinent data with respect to these tests will be transferred to the University site soon. Understudies should continue checking the site for additional subtleties in due time

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